Sublocal 5 (Scott County) meeting

Please join us to hear what is happening in your union and to have a chance to ask any questions! Wednesday April 10, 2019 12:00 pm Child Support Office All are welcome!

Sublocal 1 (Cedar Rapids Area) Meeting

Please join us to hear what is happening in your union and to have a chance to ask any questions! Thursday April 18, 2019 6:30 pm Godfather's Pizza Cedar Rapids, IA Free Pizza and during the meeting

Dubuque County meeting

Great chance to ask questions and learn what is happening in your union! Dubuque DHS 799 Main St Noon


Voting runs October 13-27, 2020 Watch your mail and emails for further information coming soon! VOTE YES!! ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME!   


Our important recertification election begins tomorrow and runs though 9:00 AM October 27th. Please do what you can to encourage co workers from around Iowa to VOTE YES! ALL EMPLOYEES are asked to vote, whether you are a dues paying member or not. Voting YES does not make you a dues paying union member. By […]