Sublocal 5 (Scott County) meeting
Please join us to hear what is happening in your union and to have a chance to ask any questions! Wednesday April 10, 2019 12:00 pm Child Support Office All are welcome!
Sublocal 1 (Cedar Rapids Area) Meeting
Please join us to hear what is happening in your union and to have a chance to ask any questions! Thursday April 18, 2019 6:30 pm Godfather's Pizza Cedar Rapids, IA Free Pizza and during the meeting
Local 3 (Des Moines area) Meeting
RiverPlace DHS Office 11:30 am Pizza provided, bring your own beverage!
Dubuque County meeting
Great chance to ask questions and learn what is happening in your union! Dubuque DHS 799 Main St Noon
Local 1 (Cedar Rapids area) meeting
Godfather's Pizza Cedar Rapids, IA 6:30 pm
Local 8 -Marshalltown area membership meeting
5 PM Zeno's Pizza
Local 5 – Davenport membership meeting
Noon Child Support Office
Local 1 – Cedar Rapids area membership meeting
6:30 Godfather's Pizza
Voting runs October 13-27, 2020 Watch your mail and emails for further information coming soon! VOTE YES!! ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME!
Our important recertification election begins tomorrow and runs though 9:00 AM October 27th. Please do what you can to encourage co workers from around Iowa to VOTE YES! ALL EMPLOYEES are asked to vote, whether you are a dues paying member or not. Voting YES does not make you a dues paying union member. By […]