We are proud to announce that the bargaining units of UE Local 893/Iowa United Professionals voted overwhelmingly once again to recertify us as the bargaining representative.

This sends a strong message to Governor Reynolds and the Republican led legislature that we won’t stand down while they attempt to take away our hard won rights and benefits. We beat all odds… being in a right to work state with complete Republican control, the gutting of Chapter 20, Covid 19 coupled with people working remotely to mention a few.

THANK YOU to all who voted! A special thanks to those that made this happen, our members, the leadership and our staff, Greg, Shelly, Michael and Jennifer and last but not least, the ROC (Recertification Organizing Committee). Thank you for your commitment, dedication, and hard work in getting us to another victory!!  We did it together and with grassroots organizing.


Don’t let your activism end here. Support your recertification decision by JOINING TODAY!!

Making sure you maintain and improve your wages, benefits, and working conditions starts with joining your union! We negotiated a 2.1% across the board wage increase in both years of our 2019-2021 contract between UE Local 893-IUP and the State of Iowa. We are headed into negotiations this fall and need your participation.

In the event that you as a member would need representation from issues that arise in your workplace, we will be there to guide you through activating your Weingarten rights and each step of the grievance process. You are one bad supervisor or unexpected event away from needing support and representation.

In addition, we have filed an additional lawsuit for our members to force the State to implement all parts of the 2017-2019 contract after our Supreme Court victory. We continue to do everything we can to move things along in order to correct issues like step increases, standby pay, etc. We will provide regular updates and more details to our dues paying members as they emerge.

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO BETTER SERVE YOU! As a dues paying member, YOU run this union. YOU have a voice. YOU contribute to the gains in wages and benefits, and YOU will help us move past this struggle and rise up stronger and more unified.

JOIN TODAY! Please email from your personal email address to receive a membership form and more information on our dues structure!



How to vote YES for recertification, so your voice will be heard!!!

You can vote by phone by calling 1-877-639-7161 or online at:

Be prepared to provide your birth date (MM/DD/YYYY) and the last four digits of your Social Security Number.

Follow the instructions then provided to you: You will be asked “do you want UE Local 893-IUP to be retained and recertified and continue to be your bargaining representative? After you VOTE YES, you will be asked to confirm your choice for your vote to be counted. You must confirm your choice for your vote to count.

If you have any questions or problems voting, please contact us at (515) 299-9840 or


All employees are asked to vote, whether you are a union member or not!


Voting “YES” does not make you a dues paying Union Member.


By “VOTING YES” you support having a say in your employment conditions, want to keep your current benefits and protections, and the right to collectively bargain for WAGE INCREASES.


Not voting is the same as a “NO VOTE”, so Support your Union and VOTE YES!


2017-2019 Contract Lawsuit Update

Since the State has refused to make anyone who was employed during 2017-2019 whole, as required by our Supreme Court Victory, we have been forced to file for a Summary Judgment in Polk County District Court, to get the State to pay you the wages and Benefits that you are owed. Watch your emails, as our day in Court will be coming soon.


Negotiations begin soon, so now is the time to let the State know, as an essential employee during the Pandemic, you deserve to be rewarded for your hard work in very hazardous conditions.

Once we prevail in the Recertification Election taking place October 13-27, 2020, we quickly will be shifting into our NEGOTIATION PREPARATION MODE. As essential employees, you were asked to work in some very dangerous conditions, so now is the time to make sure you are properly compensated for your hard work.

We can send a message that State Employees want and should be fairly compensated for their hard work during this pandemic by overwhelmingly winning Recertification by a large margin. This will assure, that you and your Union (UE Local 893-Iowa United Professionals) will have a place at the negotiations table in December.

Re-Certification Election will take place October 13-27, 2020

When the majority party of the 2017 legislative session dismantled Chapter 20 (the section of the Code of Iowa that gave public employees the right to have a union and bargain collectively with their public employers), they added a section that required every certified bargaining unit to have an election during every contract period, requiring the bargaining unit to vote yes to keep their union and contract. The Legislators and Governor Branstad were hoping to eliminate unions, so public employees would no longer have a voice in their conditions of employment. They even stacked the deck in their favor by requiring 50% plus one of the entire bargaining unit to vote yes to re-certify the Union (which means if someone does not vote, it is counted as a no vote). The Union and the Public Employment Relations Board will be sending out additional information concerning the voting process as we get closer to the date of the re-certification election, but we will be looking for Re-certification Organizing Committee (R.O.C.) members to help remind everyone in the bargaining unit to vote yes. If you are interested in becoming a R.O.C. member, please let the staff person who services your sub-local know, or call the Union Office at (515) 299-9840.

Lastly, concerning the upcoming re-certification elections, we want to make sure that everyone knows that voting YES does NOT make you a DUES PAYING MEMBER of the union, it means you as a public employee believe you should have a say in your conditions of employment, and that you want to keep all of the benefits and protections contained in your current Collective Bargaining Agreement. If UE Local 893-IUP is not re-certified, our contract and it’s benefits and protections will be immediately lost.






1-877-639-7161 OR

  • Be prepared to enter your birth date (MM/DD/YYYY) AND the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
  • Follow the instructions provided to you.
  • You will be asked “Do you want UE Local 893 to be retained and recertified and continue to be your exclusive bargaining representative?”
  • After you vote YES, you will be asked to confirm your choice for your vote to be counted. You MUST CONFIRM your choice for your vote to be counted!

If you have any questions, please contact us!