What is the re-certification election?
Re-certification is a new election process where all employees that are part of a bargaining unit (whether members of the union or not) must actually vote to retain the union as the certified bargaining representative for purposes of negotiating a legally binding union contract.
Why does our union need to hold a re-certification election?
The Iowa State legislature passed legislation in the Spring of 2017, which was signed into law by the Branstad / Reynolds administration, requiring public sector unions to face a recertification election prior to negotiating every new contract.
When will the re-certification election take place?
The re-certification election will take place October 13th-27th. You will be able to cast your ballot online or by telephone during this period. Detailed information coming soon.
Who is eligible to vote?
If you received this leaflet in the mail from the Union, you are eligible to vote. All Social Services and Science Employees covered by the UE Local 893/IUP contracts are eligible to vote.
How many votes do we need to win?
A majority of the bargaining unit members. For the Social Services Bargaining Unit we would need the majority of approximately 1800 employees to vote yes for re-certification and for the Science Bargaining Unit the majority of 400 employees must vote YES for UE Local 893/IUP to remain the legally certified bargaining representative.
What does it mean to vote YES?
Voting YES to re-certify means the employee (you) wishes to maintain the current bargaining agent (UE Local 893/IUP) as your bargaining representative.
Does voting YES make me a Member of the Union?
No. Voting yes does not make you a Union Member. It means you believe you should have a voice in your conditions of employment and that you want to preserve the wages, benefits and protections contained in your current contract. Simply put, if you want your Union to be able to negotiate a pay raise for you, VOTE YES!
What happens if I do not vote?
If you do not vote, you are counted as a no vote. If the majority fail to vote and UE Local 893/IUP is not re-certified, our contract and its benefits and protections will be immediately lost.
If you have additional questions please go to www.ue893iup.org, email us at iupunion@gmail.com or call us at 515-299-9840.